Tomatoes have always been an important part of our daily diet. They are widely misdeemed as vegetables, but they are not. Yes if you didn’t know tomatoes are not vegetables they are fruits. Well, surprise! Next time you are enjoying your delicious tomato salad, appreciate it for being a fruit rather than a vegetable. But wait if tomato is a fruit then can Dogs Eat Tomatoes? If you want to treat your beloved dogs to some ripe and juicy tomatoes but are not sure if they are safe for dogs then you are at the right place! Let’s find out together if dogs can eat tomatoes.
So Can Dogs Have Tomatoes?
Yes they absolutely can! But you have to make sure that the tomatoes are ripe and fresh as the young green tomatoes can cause solanine poisoning if consumed in larger quantities. Green tomatoes and tomato leaves contain chemicals like solanine and tomatine which can be harmful for dogs and can cause symptoms like diarrhea, vomiting and lethargy. However, ripe red tomatoes do not contain such chemicals and are perfectly safe.
Tomatoes can also be beneficial for old dogs. They provide them with healthy fiber, antioxidants, and vitamins, aiding them with maintaining proper health and weight. They are generally easy to chew, making them easy to feed to old dogs with dental issues.
Are Tomatoes Good For Dogs?
Yes, tomatoes are great for dogs. They are rich in folate, vitamin C, and potassium which are highly beneficial for your dog’s growth. Vitamin C acts as an immunity booster and reduces inflammation and cognitive ageing. On the other hand, Folate and potassium boost red blood cell production, heart health, and bone strength, promoting overall well-being and preventing any sort of deficiencies.
Can We Feed Green Tomatoes To Our Dogs
As mentioned earlier, green tomatoes contain harmful chemicals that are toxic for dogs. The leaves and stems of the tomato plant should not be fed to dogs.
How To Feed Tomatoes To Dogs
Always remember, that moderation is the key. Never try to overfeed something to your dog and always consult your vet before making any changes to their diet. To safely feed a tomato to your dog first make sure that the tomato is ripe, then wash it thoroughly and remove the stem and leaves, now cut it into small bite-sized pieces and feed it to your dog either directly or mix it with its usual food. Tomatoes can not replace your dog’s normal meals, feed them to your dogs as occasional treats and always maintain a proper diet plan for your dogs to ensure a balanced calorie nutrient intake.
Always ensure that the leaves and stem are cut, as they contain harmful chemicals that can upset your dog’s stomach. Follow these practices to safely feed tomatoes to your dogs.
Can Dogs Eat Canned Tomatoes?
No, Canned tomatoes are highly discouraged by vets because they contain added salt, preservatives and artificial flavoring which are toxic for dogs. The same goes for tomato sauces and other store-bought tomato products.
Can Puppies Eat Tomatoes?
Absolutely! Just as dogs can eat tomatoes, puppies can eat them, too, but you must ensure that they are fed in moderation and in smaller quantities.
Bottom Line
Tomatoes are healthy and delicious not just for us but also for our dogs. Now that you know everything about “Can dogs eat tomatoes?” go and buy some fresh, ripe, and juicy tomatoes for your dogs and let them enjoy the tangy and sweet joy. After all, a treat is never a bad idea, woof!