Can Dogs Eat Bread? Let’s Find Out

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We eat bread as our daily meals, but do you think that dogs can eat bread? We eat bread in several forms like sandwiches, toast, with pastas and soups etc. but as a canine owner we want our every meal to be shared with our four legged partners. Yes! Your dog can eat a small amount of bread. But if you think you can feed all types of bread to your canine companion, you are wrong as some breads have ingredients which are toxic for dogs. 

Here’s the knowledge you want! 

Can dogs eat bread?

Yes! Dogs can eat bread in small amounts. Brown or white bread in moderation are totally okay for your dog if fed occasionally. While brads are okay, some types of breads are also toxic because of the additives it has. 

Additives can include nuts which are high in fats, so become toxic. Make sure to check the ingredients list before feeding it should not have xylitol, garlic, onion, raisins and chocolate chips etc. Avoid feeding bread to your dog in case of any allergy. 

While some bread types are safe, we are not suggesting it. If you wanna give it to your dog, make only small amounts. Remember treats should only be 10% or less of dog’s meal, so make it moderate

Is bread beneficial for dogs?

No, bread has no nutritional content while high in carbs. So if you feed more bread, your dog may gain weight. If your dog has a wheat allergy, avoid feeding bread. Give your dog a balanced and nutritional diet.

What type of bread should you feed your dog?

Bread in small amounts is safe for dogs, while others can contain nuts, nutmegs, onions, garlic, raisins, xylitol and chocolate. 

Some of the ingredients are non-toxic but in large amounts can lead to harmful effects in dogs. These include butter, oil, sugar and salt. 

Can you feed your dog on uncooked dough?

Dogs are dangerous for dogs. If your dog feeds on uncooked dough, it will rise in their stomach and will release toxic amounts of ethanol in the bloodstreams which can cause alcoholic toxicosis. If your dog feed on uncooked dough, it will show some of these symptoms:

  • Heart rate increment.
  • Weakness.
  • Vomit.
  • Low BP.
  • Respiratory collapse.
  • Seizures.
  • Depression.
  • Bloated abdomen.
  • May seem drunk.
  • In cute cases, dogs can also fall into a coma and die. 

Types of bread and dogs: 

Rye bread

Yes! incase of no grain or wheat allergy to your dog, in small amounts plain rye bread is not harmful. 

White bread

Yes! Plain white bread in small amounts is safe if your dog has no wheat allergy. 

Seeded bread

No! Any types of additives like nuts, nutmeg, chocolate, dried fruits and seeds are toxic for your dogs. So avoid giving seeded breads. 

Ginger bread

No! Ginger bread may contain nutmeg with high sugar which is harmful. 

Pita bread

Yes! If your dog has no grain allergy, you can feed your dog a small amount of plain pita bread without any additive. 

Pumpkin bread

No! Although pumpkin is a dog-safe treat, pumpkin bread can have nutmeg in it. 

Wheat bread

Yes! Wheat bread is safe for dogs in case your dog has no wheat allergy. 

Banana bread

No! Although banana is a dog-safe treat, banana bread can have nutmeg in it. 

Garlic bread

No! Garlic itself is toxic for dogs even in small amounts. Avoid giving garlic bread to your dogs. 

Sourdough bread

Yes! Sourdough in cooked form is not harmful for dogs while in raw form it has negative effects on dog’s health. 

What should I do if my dog eats bread dough or bread?

Call your vet in case your dog eats bread containing any toxic substance or yeast based dough. Incase of breads like pita, white or brown bread, there’s no problem. Stomach can be upset, if your dog feeds on a full pack of hamburger buns. 


Doughs are not even healthy for humans, so do dogs. If you are making bread at home for your dog, make sure to not add any additives like nuts, nutmegs, onions, garlic, raisins, xylitol and chocolate as it can cause serious health issues for your dogs. Go for plain bread. Although bread is non-toxic for dogs, it is also non nutritional. So the recommendation says, go for a dog-safe, healthy and balanced diet. 


Can I feed bread to my dog with an upset stomach?

Have you ever heard that bread is safe for dogs who have an upset stomach? Dogs with an upset stomach should feed on a boiled chicken or bland rice diet or much better if you ask your vet_according to the Merck Veterinary Manual. 

Can I give my dog the bread crust?

Bread crust will not give not give harm to your dog. As the bread has no nutritional content, it shouldn’t be a part of your dog’s daily meal. If you are giving toasted bread to your dog, make sure there is no butter on it. 

Can I feed my dog toast and butter? 

It’s not a recommendation to feed your dog bread with butter. As butter has high fat content, it can be harmful for your dog. In case your dog eats a small amount of butter with toast, it will not show an immediate negative response. I’ll suggest you have a patch up with your vet in this condition.

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