Can Dogs Eat Broccoli? A Vet’s Opinion

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Written by Kimberly Rubin
Last Updated on

A healthy wealthy canine is a well fed canine!

Absolutely yes! Dogs can eat broccoli either in cooked, raw, or steamed form, but if it is without any oil and seasonings. Make sure to give broccoli in moderation, as the florets have isothiocyanate, which can cause digestive disorders if taken in large amounts. For my canine friends, broccoli is a safe, healthy, affordable, and tasty treat. However, you have to keep some things in mind. Unlike human beings, dogs do not need to eat veggies and fruits in large quantities. So just try to give in small quantities to make a safe and healthy point. 

Keep reading to explore more! 

Can Dogs Eat Broccoli?

Yes! Dogs can eat broccoli in small amounts, like most cooked green vegetables, such as cabbage and lettuce, a healthy and affordable treat for your dog. Broccoli, in moderation, is a healthy treat. Because of isothiocyanate, large amounts of broccoli can cause digestive disorders. Make only 10% of your dog’s daily meal with this veggie. But if you see any problem in the dog’s health after the broccoli treatment, stop taking it. 

Benefits Of Broccoli

Unlike humans, dogs do not need to eat huge amounts of fruits and vegetables to live healthy lives. However, moderate consumption can occasionally produce positive results. 

Broccoli has:

  • High fiber content.
  • Vitamin C.
  • Low fats. 

So it is safe and beneficial whether in cooked, raw, or steamed form if you avoid adding any seasoning. 

What Should I Be Concerned About?

Choking Threat:

Broccoli stems can result in blockage of the esophagus, specifically in small dogs. So cut the broccoli stem into small, bite-sized pieces to feed your dog. Remain close to your dogs while feeding them broccoli stems to prevent distress.

Serving Size:

Feeding your dogs some broccoli is okay, but too much can lead to gastrointestinal problems. The thumb rule is to keep the snacks and treats about 10% of your dog’s total calorie intake. Problems like indigestion, blockages, diarrhea, and gas can be caused by broccoli as it contains isothiocyanate (a natural compound in broccoli that can mix with complex sugars and fibers to cause digestive disorders). 

Adverse bacteria:

Although you can give your dog boiled, baked, raw, or steamed broccoli, make sure to clean it thoroughly if you are going with raw ones because of the risk of lingering bacteria like Salmonella

Signs of Salmonella infection include:

  • Dehydration.
  • Appetite loss.
  • Increased heart rate.
  • Lethargy.
  • Vomit.
  • Fever.

Stop feeding your dog the broccoli if any of these signs are seen.


Broccoli is a healthy, beneficial, and tasty meal for your dog in small quantities. If you give your dog raw broccoli, make sure to wash and clean it thoroughly to maintain its health. That is all for today but stay with Petlyx for more useful information!

Sounds good!


Can I Give Broccoli To My Puppy?

You can give small amounts of broccoli to puppies, but keep the amount moderate, as their stomachs are more sensitive. So, give broccoli to your puppies slowly, and look for symptoms of indigestion.

Can Any Dog Eat Broccoli?

Dogs having food sensitivities and digestive problems should avoid eating broccoli. However, you should ask your veterinarian before adding new food to your dog’s diet or specifically if they have health concerns.

Are There Any Symptoms Of Broccoli Intolerance In Dogs?

The main symptoms include:

  • Indigestion.
  • Appetite loss.
  • Allergic reactions like skin irritation.

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