Why Do Dogs Chatter Their Teeth? A Vet Guide

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If you are the one who sees his dog chattering their teeth but doesn’t know the reason behind this action that’s a signal why you should read this article. You might see your pooch chattering its teeth now and then while you are worrying about this if it is because of central health problems. The reason behind teeth chattering is mild to moderate while it can also be acute. You should know why dogs chatter their teeth so you can take essential steps for what and when to do.

Why do dogs chatter their teeth?

Oral or dental pain

Dental and oral pain is one of the most significant causes of teeth chattering in canines. The teeth chattering action can be due to gingival inflammation, dental abscess, and a broken tooth. Though oral ulcers and growth don’t necessarily involve teeth, they can lead to pain and chattering.

If your puppy is suffering from oral or dental problems, it may also have the following:

  • It may prefer softer treats and food instead of dry food or hard bones.
  • Difficulty picking and food handling.
  • Excessive drooling.
  • Bad breath which is an infection sign.

Your vet will conduct an oral examination to determine whether there is evidence of soft tissue inflammation and dental disorder. For more details, you can also read about why do dogs grind their teeth?.


While excitement is not a common cause but sometimes responsible for teeth chattering. If it is a normal behavior for your pooch, they probably do it all the time. If surely excitement is the reason behind teeth chattering, you don’t need to worry. However, if your pooch suddenly shows this action, which never manifests before then consulting to vet will be ideal. 

Temporomandibular joint (TMJ)

Teeth chattering may also be seen in canines having temporomandibular joint (TMJ). a situation like TMJ arthritis and jaw fracture can show signs like those in pooches having oral pain and disorders. To determine TMJ condition, your vet will open and close the pooch’s mouth gently to see the difficulty in joint movement and grinding sensation. If the problem occurs, your vet might recommend computed tomography (CT) or X-rays. 

Feeling cold

Sometimes teeth chattering may also be due to the cold that often goes with shivering. Usually, it happens when your pooch is wet or it’s freezing. The condition might not need a medical emergency but it is a signal that the pooch might evolve hypothermia or be at the risk of having hypothermia really soon. If they shiver then bring your pooch to a warm room and cover with a blanket or towel. To give a call to your vet is ideal in this case. 


After smelling a female canine, some canines particularly male canines show teeth chattering but female canines also do this. This action aids them to smell the odor finer by bringing it into the scent organ that is located at their mouth roof. If it happens, sometimes foamy salivation may also occur. 


Teeth chattering and fly-biting action can occur also due to seizures like neurological seizures. Unlike other reasons for teeth chattering, if your dog has a seizure it will not respond to you. During seizures, pooch may seem spaced out and will not make a response when you call them for attention (clapping or calling out their name). 

Particular symptoms may seen in canines before and after the seizures. Your pooch might become clingy or restless, just before a seizure while exhausted afterward. Your vet might ask you for a video of your pooch’s behavior and demand some document attributes like episode duration, time, and level of activity. This will help to determine if teeth chattering is due to seizures or not. 

Stress and anxiety 

Just like us, teeth chattering in dogs may also be due to stress and anxiety. As a consequence of experiencing some environmental changes like fireworks or loud noises, your pooch might start chattering the teeth. 

Note what is happening around when your dog starts teeth chattering. If the teeth chattering is because of something that makes him scared, have a look at the culprit. What seems normal to you might frighten your dog so always pay keen attention to potential issues. You can learn more about stress-related behaviors in dogs by reading why do dogs show their teeth?.

When does your dog need a vet?

Not all cases of teeth chattering need a vet visit however, some situations need an emergency visit. Situations, while your dog needs a vet call while teeth chattering, are here:

  • Symptoms of seizure.
  • Symptoms of hypothermia.
  • Symptoms of acute anxiety.
  • Symptoms of oral pain.
  • Symptoms of joint or muscle disorder.
  • Symptoms of neurological problems.


While there are many possibilities as to why dogs chatter their teeth, it is difficult to narrow out what’s the actual reason. When your dog chatters their teeth, you should pay keen attention to their behavior at this time so you can get the actual cue. A visit to the vet is the ideal thing to do in this situation.

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