Can Dogs Eat Popcorn? Read Out to Find Out

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Popcorns are a delicious snack for free time. Movies and TV serials are incomplete without a bucket full of popcorn. They are easy on the stomach, light, chewy, and not intense flavored making them ideal for light and quick snacks for your recreational time. But when it comes to dogs, things change a bit. Let’s study about can dogs eat popcorn and find out the answer.

Is Popcorn Good For Dogs?

Yes, dogs can eat popcorn but that only applies to plain and air-popped popcorn. Flavored popcorns, however, are a no-go. Flavored popcorns contain added flavors such as spices and sugar which is not good for your dog. It can cause an upset stomach, diarrhea, and even serious health complications such as diabetes, pancreatitis, and kidney stones in the long run if fed in larger quantities so you should avoid it. But when it comes to plain and air-popped popcorn you can feed it to your dogs in moderation without worrying. Plain popcorns are completely safe for dogs as they do not have any additional oil, spices, or sugar in them. 

What If My Dog Accidentally Eats Flavored Popcorn?

If your dog accidentally eats a couple of flavored popcorn kernels then there is no issue as small quantities are not enough to cause harm, however, you should avoid feeding flavored popcorn to your dogs as much as possible. 

How To Safely Feed Popcorns To My Dog

The nutritional benefits of popcorn are little but not negligible. Popcorns contain several minerals important for your dogs, like magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, and zinc. They are also a good source of fiber and contain small amounts of vitamins. To safely feed popcorn to your dogs make sure you only give them plain and air-popped popcorn without any flavoring. You can easily make them using a popcorn machine or a stove. Make use to remove unpoped kernels as they are hard to chew and might cause intestinal blockage. Once you are done give a small portion to your dogs. Always remember that popcorn is just a treat and can not replace your regular food for your dog. 

As the saying goes, Moderation is the key to a healthy lifestyle. If you find someone searching “Can popcorn kill dogs” immediately tell them, No, plain popcorn is completely safe in small quantities and moderation for dogs.


To safely feed popcorn to your dogs you have to make sure only to give them plain and air-popped popcorn instead of flavored ones. Always consult your vet beforehand to avoid any health complications. Hopefully, this article helped you with your question about whether can dogs eat popcorn. Now that you have your answers get to the kitchen and make some delicious popcorn for yourself and your dogs!

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